First Aid- Eye Injuries

First Aid for Eye Injuries

If you get chemicals insider your eye, the first thing to do if you wear contact lenses, is to take them off immediately. If you leave them on, it can cause damage and pain to the cornea.  In the event of chemicals entering your eye, begin by flushing your eye with cool water immediately for approximately 15 minutes. Seek immediate medical attention by dialing 911 or going to the nearest emergency room. If you are able to find the bottle of the substance that fell in your eye, bring it with you to show the doctor. If you cannot get a bottle of the substance, make sure to know the name of the chemical.


First Aid: Object in your Eye

Do not rub your eye when you have something in your eye. Rubbing your eye will cause irritation and may cause damage to the eye. If the object is not embedded in your eye, you can try removing it. These are some first aid tips:

  1. First wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. By doing so, you are preventing infection and contamination.
  2. Flush the eye with plenty of water. Using your thumb and finger, you can gently life the upper eyelid over the top of your lower eyelid. This will cause the object to flush out.
  3. If you can see the object in your eye, you can try to gently remove it from your eye with a washcloth. Try lifting the eyelid gently and use a wet washcloth to wipe the object away.
  4.  If none of these tips work to get the object out, seek medical attention.


This is not intended to offer medical advice. Upon a medical emergency, seek immediate medical attention.

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